Personal transportation service for older adults by appointment seven days per week. Rides must originate in Sonoma area. Drivers drive to destinations inside or outside of Sonoma County and can help with personal errands. Hourly rate of $35 per hour.
The goal of a Miss Daisy driver is to provide a safe and comfortable experience for you or your family member. We at Daisy Drivers provide Hands-On assistance if needed making daily outings into the community a breeze and enjoyable. One of the services that the Daisy Driver offers, Is Hands-On assistance to the doctor’s office if that is something that you need. We not only take you to the doctors and wait assuring your safety, we’re happy to take notes for you if that’s something you’re interested in. Above all always advocating Independence. If you have a community need we are able to help you. Please feel free to call us and make an appointment.
Uber is a private Transportation Network Company. Rides are scheduled via mobile phone application.
You can review Uber’s policy regarding accessibility for riders with disabilities HERE. Uber is currently developing new technology (UberWAV) offering those requiring wheelchair accessible vehicles the opportunity to request an on-demand ride with the touch of a button.
Accessibility Compliance Notification
- Driver-partners must comply with all applicable state, federal and local laws governing the transportation of riders with disabilities. A partner’s violation of the laws governing the accommodation of riders with disabilities constitutes a breach of the parties’ Technology Services Agreement.
- Accordingly, driver-partners are expected to accommodate riders using walkers, canes, folding wheelchairs or other assistive devices to the maximum extent feasible.
- Any report of unlawful discrimination will result in the temporary deactivation of a partner’s account while Uber reviews the incident. Confirmed violations of the law with respect to riders with disabilities may result in permanent loss of a partner’s access to the Uber platform.
Service Animal Policy
State and federal law prohibit driver-partners using the Uber Driver App from denying service to riders with service animals because of the service animals, and from otherwise discriminating against riders with service animals. As explained in Uber’s Non-Discrimination Policy, driver-partners who engage in discriminatory conduct in violation of this legal obligation will lose their ability to use the Driver App. More information about Uber’s Service Animal Policy can be found here.
The Disabled American Veterans is dedicated to a single purpose: building better lives for all of our nation’s disabled veterans and their families.Through the Transportation Network, DAV volunteers drive sick and disabled veterans to and from VA medical facilities for treatment. The Transportation Network is a clear example of veterans helping veterans. The DAV stepped in to meet a substantial community need when the federal government terminated its program that helped many veterans pay for transportation to VA medical facilities
One run per day to the VA Medical Center Reservations required.
Shuttle Stops
Santa Rosa: Santa Rosa/La Plaza, 2300 County Center Dr. , Santa Rosa, CA 95403 |
6:45 AM |
Cotati: Cotati Veteran’s Bldg., 8505 Park Ave,, Cotati, CA 94931 |
7:00 AM |
Petaluma: Petaluma Veterans Bldg., 1094 Petaluma Blvd., Petaluma, CA 94952 |
7:15 AM |
Arrive |
8:40 AM |
Transportation is available to the VA Medical Center San Francisco. A VA shuttle makes several trips daily between the VA Medical Center in San Francisco (“Fort Miley”) Road, Suite 1E, Santa Rosa and the VA Santa Rosa Medical Clinic at 3841 Brickway Blvd in Santa Rosa.
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the ACS has 12 geographic Divisions, more than 900 local offices nationwide, and a presence in more than 5,100 communities.
Road to Recovery
Provides ambulatory (independent of semi independent individuals) cancer patients with ground transportation to and from cancer-related medical appointments. Rides are dependent on volunteer driver availability. Please call for additional info.
7 Days a Week 24 hours per day
Provides rides taking people to and from their homes and jobs, Becoming Independent (BI) program sites and to community events all over Sonoma and Napa counties. An additional service, the BI-EXPRESS, provides a critical weekend and evening service for people with disabilities and other populations in need of a ride who don’t have access to alternative transportation during those times.
Non-emergency medical transportation. Provides wheelchair and gurney transportation for a fee for seniors.
Catholic Charities Caring Rides is a free service for seniors 60 years of age and older, living in Santa Rosa. Our dedicated and trained volunteer drivers take seniors to medical appointments, grocery shopping, and other similar errands. Medical appointments are given priority.
Our program is operated Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00 pm. To schedule a ride: call (707) 308-4811 and leave a message with your ride request the week before you need your scheduled ride. You will receive a call within 48 hours to confirm your request.
Face to Face is a non-profit Social Service agency for people with HIV or Aids.
FISH volunteers provide private car rides to medical appointments for Sonoma Valley residents who have no other means of transportation.
Ride requests should be made at least one week in advance by calling (707) 996-0111. Please note that out of town transportation requests are more difficult to fill than local requests.